The Kingsport Diabetes Association welcomes speaker Harry Ennis, a member of the Lions Club in Kingsport, to discuss their mission of improving vision of children and adults.
Join us on Tuesday, January 14th at 7PM as we discuss diabetes and vision on our next conference call. The program is free to all by just calling 1-978-990-5184 then enter access code 2692346# Everyone is free to join the call, ask questions, and visit our website at Kingsportdiabetes.org
Upcoming Meetings
February 11, 2025
March 11, 2025
The Kingsport Diabetes Association welcomes speaker Harry Ennis, a member of the Lions Club in Kingsport, to discuss their mission of improving vision of children and adults.
Join us on Tuesday, January 14th at 7PM as we discuss diabetes and vision on our next conference call. The program is free to all by just calling 1-978-990-5184 then enter access code 2692346# Everyone is free to join the call, ask questions, and visit our website at Kingsportdiabetes.org
Upcoming Meetings
February 11, 2025
March 11, 2025
Kingsport Diabetes Association works to support those living with diabetes
Sticking With Your New Year’s Resolution
The new year is here, and with it are likely many New Year's resolutions. This is a great time to create positive changes, eliminate bad habits, and focus on your overall well-being. Here are some ways to ensure you stick to your goals.
Focus on adopting a new behavior.
Adopting a new behavior is often much easier than stopping an old one. If you resolve to eat healthier, start with a smaller goal of increasing your fruit and vegetable intake or drinking the recommended amount of water daily. This can be much easier to stick with as opposed to strict diets.
Be specific yet flexible.
Set small, realistic goals that are well-defined. Instead of resolving to exercise more, create a plan of walking for 20 minutes three times a week. Be flexible! If you find that 20 minutes is too much, start with 15 minutes. Being willing to adjust your goals can make you less likely to give up altogether.
Continue to build on healthy habits.
Add something else to your regimen once you've adopted a healthy habit and made it a regular part of your routine. For example, if you're now successfully eating more fruits and vegetables or drinking more water, consider adding some form of physical activity to your daily habits. Or, if you've developed a regular exercise program, add small dietary changes.
Don't give up!
If you have a bad day or fall back into old habits, that doesn't mean you failed! Start again tomorrow. Building new habits and routines takes time, but persistence is key. As always, talk to your primary care provider before starting a new diet or exercise regimen to ensure it's the right choice for you.
Aimee Light, FNP-BC
CVA Heart Institute
The new year is here, and with it are likely many New Year's resolutions. This is a great time to create positive changes, eliminate bad habits, and focus on your overall well-being. Here are some ways to ensure you stick to your goals.
Focus on adopting a new behavior.
Adopting a new behavior is often much easier than stopping an old one. If you resolve to eat healthier, start with a smaller goal of increasing your fruit and vegetable intake or drinking the recommended amount of water daily. This can be much easier to stick with as opposed to strict diets.
Be specific yet flexible.
Set small, realistic goals that are well-defined. Instead of resolving to exercise more, create a plan of walking for 20 minutes three times a week. Be flexible! If you find that 20 minutes is too much, start with 15 minutes. Being willing to adjust your goals can make you less likely to give up altogether.
Continue to build on healthy habits.
Add something else to your regimen once you've adopted a healthy habit and made it a regular part of your routine. For example, if you're now successfully eating more fruits and vegetables or drinking more water, consider adding some form of physical activity to your daily habits. Or, if you've developed a regular exercise program, add small dietary changes.
Don't give up!
If you have a bad day or fall back into old habits, that doesn't mean you failed! Start again tomorrow. Building new habits and routines takes time, but persistence is key. As always, talk to your primary care provider before starting a new diet or exercise regimen to ensure it's the right choice for you.
Aimee Light, FNP-BC
CVA Heart Institute
Come join us to learn more!
KDA is a non-profit organization chartered in 1981 that serves Tri-Cities Region of East TN as well as Southwest Virginia.
Regular monthly meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the second Tuesday of each month.
KDA has a monthly NEWSLETTER!
If you are interested in receiving one, or just have news to put in it, contact Kay Oney at 423-288-2052.
Please note: If you have any old appliances that you want to get rid of ...
get the best prices at Wise Recycling!
Use that check to donate to KDA!
Thank You Very Much!
Please support our efforts to Cure-Treat-Prevent Diabetes!
You can live with diabetes if you know how to deal with it and have the support you need. This support comes from your doctor, from their staff and from others who "know what you're going through." At Kingsport Diabetes Association (KDA) we know what you are going through and we are here to help. This help comes in the various forms of informative meetings, events, and personal support.
Check us out on FACEBOOK!
Search for KDA Kingsport Diabetes Association ... Please "Like" us!
Barbara Hudson is our SUNSHINE LADY
Barbara can be reached at 423-247-1574 if you need KDA information
Even if you don't have diabetes you can learn to help someone who does! Participate in many fun activities while learning more about living with diabetes. Come Join Us!
Ongoing Activities:
No Sugar Added Apple Butter Sale Pint $5 and Half Pint $3 sizes
Donations accepted of Pint / Half-Pint Canning Jars to help keep our Apple Butter at these prices!
Recycling ink cartridges: If you have used ink cartridges from your printer, don't throw them away; recycle them!
Just take to Office Depot, 2003 N. Eastman Road in Kingsport and indicate you want to donate to Bloomingdale Library. They will ask you for their phone number (423-288-1310) and a credit will be given for the Library to purchase needed items at Office Depot.
Recycling aluminum: Renew Recycling, 3232 E. East Stone Drive in Kingsport, offers donations to the KDA. Just mention you want your donation to go to KDA when you check out, and they will send the check to KDA. Take your aluminum cans, can tabs, and metals to them, and they will donate proceeds to the Kingsport Diabetes Association.
Hours are 8 am-4 pm Monday through Friday
8 am-12 pm Saturday
Recycling Cell Phones (with batteries) Contact Kay Oney if you have these donations.
KDA accepts unconditional donations and memorials made out to Kingsport Diabetes Association.
Mail all contributions to P.O. Box 3952, Kingsport, Tennessee 37664.
No Sugar Added Apple Butter Sale Pint $5 and Half Pint $3 sizes
Donations accepted of Pint / Half-Pint Canning Jars to help keep our Apple Butter at these prices!
Recycling ink cartridges: If you have used ink cartridges from your printer, don't throw them away; recycle them!
Just take to Office Depot, 2003 N. Eastman Road in Kingsport and indicate you want to donate to Bloomingdale Library. They will ask you for their phone number (423-288-1310) and a credit will be given for the Library to purchase needed items at Office Depot.
Recycling aluminum: Renew Recycling, 3232 E. East Stone Drive in Kingsport, offers donations to the KDA. Just mention you want your donation to go to KDA when you check out, and they will send the check to KDA. Take your aluminum cans, can tabs, and metals to them, and they will donate proceeds to the Kingsport Diabetes Association.
Hours are 8 am-4 pm Monday through Friday
8 am-12 pm Saturday
Recycling Cell Phones (with batteries) Contact Kay Oney if you have these donations.
KDA accepts unconditional donations and memorials made out to Kingsport Diabetes Association.
Mail all contributions to P.O. Box 3952, Kingsport, Tennessee 37664.
Type 1 Type 2
Constant urination Drowsiness
Abnormal thirst Itching
Unusual hunger A family history of diabetes
The rapid loss of weight Blurred vision
Irritability Excessive weight
Obvious weakness and fatigue Tingling, numbness, pain in extremities
Nausea and vomiting Easy fatigue
Skin infections,slow healing of cuts
Constant urination Drowsiness
Abnormal thirst Itching
Unusual hunger A family history of diabetes
The rapid loss of weight Blurred vision
Irritability Excessive weight
Obvious weakness and fatigue Tingling, numbness, pain in extremities
Nausea and vomiting Easy fatigue
Skin infections,slow healing of cuts
LINKS to Groups We Support: Click on the underlined letters!
Tennessee Camp For Diabetic Children TCDC
American Diabetes Association ADA